Branding & Digital Designer

I craft elegant
& thoughtful design

About & Career

I am Camille Lamarre, a French art director, a cooking addict & an unflagging hiker

Graphic designer for 7 years, my passion is led by challenges, tailored design and the satisfaction of quality work.

Curious about the world, I moved from Paris to the USA, then to the Netherlands and each move was a unique experience. More than stimulating, these travels taught me how to easily adapt to varying professional expectations, allowing me to be flexible and responsive in my work.

Through my career, I am familiar with both the design agencies and independent work. My versatile skills and abilities qualify me to be a supportive team member on various design projects.

I don’t like to limit my creativity to my career. At home, inspired by the passion of craft design, drawing, upholstering and building, I like using my hands.

To learn more about me, join me on LinkedIn Pinterest

People are an essential part of every design. Communicating, collaborating, experimenting and having fun is the recipe for all successful projects.
If you feel the same way, I would enjoy working with you.
Schedule a casual coffee meeting

Skills & Services

Let’s talk about what I can do for you

I am used to working on collaborative multidisciplinary teams, and this has equipped me with extensive skills and abilities to adapt to various projects.


Branding Services
  • Visual Identity & Logo
  • Brands applications
  • Signage
  • Layout
  • Packaging
  • Merchandising
  • Illustration


Digital Services
  • Layout
  • Interface
  • Interaction
  • Languages (HTML5, CSS3)
  • For Website, e-shop,
  • Kiosk, Multitouch
  • & Applications

Interested in working together?
Whether on your team or as freelancer, I will be happy to answer any questions.